Author Archive for: Robyn

Entries by Robyn Bradley

George R. R. Martin Answers Fans’ Questions

I adore author interviews, even if it’s an author I haven’t had a chance to read yet, as is the case here. Trust me — George R. R. Martin is on my list! You know, that list that multiplies overnight or when you get it wet or when you shine a bright light on it? […]

Books to Film – What’s the Allure?

So, I have a question for readers who go to see silver-screen adaptations of books they love: why? I ask the question of you, but I need to direct the question at myself as well, since I’ll often go see films based on books I love. But why? I know the story. I know how […]


Marathon training

Had a wiggly-wobbly November and December and fell off my game. When I’m drafting, I like to put in 1000 polished words a day, a very doable number for me. It’s how I got through my first two books. But, like any endurance sport, I need to build up to it. So last week, I […]

In defence of Twilight

I’m late to the Twilight saga party, and I know this subject has probably been talked about to death, but I find myself qualifying my reviews of the books with statements like this: “I enjoyed the Twilight saga (pause at the look of people’s disbelief) … I mean, despite (cough-sputter)  issues with the prose.” I […]


Book Purging

I moved into my studio apartment in May of 2008. When I made that move, I downsized my book collection. This past weekend, I took the next step: getting rid of all but a handful of books. Extreme? Maybe. Maybe not. For the longest time, I’ve had this fantasy of living so simply that if […]

What’s Next with Granite Creek?

Whew! The last two months have been a whirlwind, and I’ve loved every minute of it. I’m thrilled that readers are connecting with What Happened in Granite Creek. Nothing makes me happier than to get emails or Facebook wall postings from enthusiastic readers. Thank you, thank you, thank you. None of this would be possible […]


The Ice Storm Cometh

SPOILER ALERT: If you haven’t read What Happened in Granite Creek, do not proceed any further! You’ve been warned! I want to talk about an event that happens in the book, because it’s based on a real one. Koty disappears on the eve of an ice storm. This ice storm was a real event, one […]

Soundtrack to What Happened in Granite Creek

I’m part Luddite: I don’t have an iPod or an MP3 player or even a stereo. I listen to stuff online or CDs on my computer. Weird, I know, considering I spent nearly a decade in broadcast radio. That said, music affects me like it does everyone else…it transports, and it inspires. Here are the […]

10 Things I Think I Think About Wayne Fowler

One of my favorite sports writers, Peter King, has a weekly column called Monday Morning QB (MMQB) on, and one of my favorite portions of the column is his “Ten Things I Think I Think” (which I love because it allows room to recant in case further information comes to light). So hat tip […]