Tag Archive for: Literature


July was a fun month.

I spent the bulk of it working on revisions for my second novel, What Happened in Granite Creek, which comes out in October. I was also on a virtual blog tour for Forgotten April, and, at the same time, the reviews started coming in fast and furious for da book.

I made a little video that recaps some of the highlights. It’s below (and if you’re reading this post via email, click here if you can’t see the video):

You can read the complete reviews by visiting the Forgotten April product page on Amazon, on B&N, or on Goodreads. Remember, it’s only 99 cents. So if you like women’s fiction (or if you know someone who does), consider checking it out. It’s also available in paperback.

Okay, end of shameless self-promotion. I’ll be back with some non-promotional posts soon — promise! A topic I need to cover is research, because something interesting happened in the 11th hour of my July revisions, and I think it’s important for both writers and readers to know about. Aaand I’ll be unveiling the cover art for What Happened in Granite Creek veddy, veddy soon, my pretties. I’m all sorts of excited about it and the book, which is quite a departure from Forgotten April.

What was that about stopping the self-promotion? Starting now!

Tell me what you did during your July.

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