Tag Archive for: Animoto


A couple of months ago, I posted my first round of shout-outs. Methinks I’m due for a second round of gratitude-filled thanks to the awesome folks who’ve been helping me out. Here we go, in no particular order:

Cheryl Perez from You’re Published did the interior design/layout and back cover and spine for the paperback version of Forgotten April. She does great work and is reasonably priced. She’s launching a new website soon, but for now, you can reach her here.

Steve Tannuzzo of Tannuzzo Copywriting has a connection with a printing company and was able to print up all the copies of Novel #2 for my beta readers. He’s also a fabulous writer/copywriter/proofreader, in case any of you are in need of one of those.

My beta readers rock my world! They include the Nobscot Niblets (writers group) and some family members and friends who are like family. If any of you are reading this, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Someone on Twitter asked me the name of the song I use in my book trailer for Forgotten April. The great thing about Animoto, the software I use, is that it offers a vast music library and all the licensing is taken care of. I mentioned in this post how I stumbled on some music by an artist I’d met many years ago (and I ended up using his composition for my short story “Crush“) and how he’s now writing musical scores for movies in Hollywood, which is way cool.

Anyway, when I looked up the group that sang “Happy,” which is the song in the Forgotten April trailer, I decided to Google the group to see what I could find. The name of the group is Secrets in Stereo. Here’s their Facebook page. And below is the group singing the full version of “Happy.”


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We’re snowbound here in the Northeast. This doesn’t matter too much to me since I work from home. Still nice to have an official excuse not to shower or go out. (Not that I need one.)

So I wanted to share two things: a cool find for book club lovers (and authors who would like to reach them) and my latest book trailer (I’m loving Animoto‘s software — what fun)!

Book Movement describes itself as a place where over 27,000 (!) book clubs share and talk about the books they love. Members can create a page for the book club, and there’s info on how to start a book club for newbies. It also has great advertising opps for authors. Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments below. Or if you’re already a member, let us know how you like it.

Okay, and here’s my book trailer for “Orange Pineapple,” which I released last October. Make sure you have your speakers turned on/up. If you like it and want to share it, you can pick up the embed info from my YouTube Channel here. Please share!

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