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Facebook Timeline for Authors – Part 2

Many of you know that I’m a marketing copywriter by day. I actually do a lot more than just writing — I help clients with strategy and program execution. And I also help with social media, specifically Facebook.

I’m an admitted FB junkie, and I had a ton of fun sprucing up my author Facebook page with the new Timeline. I know there are many other people out there — and not just writers — who need some guidance. Consider this your go-to resource!

Best resources for setting up the new Timeline for brands/business pages:

Facebook Advertising

FB advertising is changing for premium ad account holders only, meaning those accounts that spend a minimum of $25/K per month (that’s not a typo). Self-serve ads remain the same for smaller accounts. Read this blog post from HubSpot on the changes to premium advertising.

Specs at a Glance

Cover image: The cover photo can be up to 850 pixels by 315 pixels but may not contain any of the following:

  • Price or purchase information, such as “40 percent off” or “Download it at our website.”
  • Contact information, such as web address, email, mailing address or other information intended for your Page’s About section.
  • References to user interface elements, such as Like or Share, or any other Facebook site features.
  • Calls to action, such as “Get it now” or “Tell your friends.”
  • Here are some examples of great cover images in action

About blurb: This is the snippet of text that shows up under the profile pic. It’s limited to 150 characters. This is the place to include the website URL.

Profile pic: Choose an image that fits 180 x 180 pixels and also looks good when scaled down to a thumbnail size of 32 x 32 pixels

Graphics for Views & Apps: Think calls to action. Specs: 111 x 74 pixels

Milestone images: You don’t need images to create Milestones, but images *could* make the Milestone more interesting. Ideal specs: Milestone images are set at 843 x 403 pixels. Milestones can now go all the way back to the year 1000. Check out how The New York Times is using Milestones.

Adding free apps capability: Static HTML App and Static HTML App – Tab 2 (if these links don’t work, simply search on “Static HTML” in the search box, and they should come up.)

Pages that are already using Timeline…and that are doing a great job:

Further reading:

How are you liking the new Timeline? Have you seen any great examples? Share in the comments (and yes, it’s okay to promote your own page here — I’d love to check it out).